Auto Insurance: How To Bypass The Lines And The Salespeople

When you want new auto insurance but you do not want to sit in an office with an agent or wait in a lobby or line to talk to someone, you do have options. With the advancement of mobile apps and mobile technology and computers, you can acquire a new auto insurance policy quickly and easily. Here are some ways to bypass agents and waiting lines and get your new policy quickly.

Add to Your Homeowner's or Renter's Insurance

If you already have a life insurance policy, homeowner's insurance or renter's insurance, you can add auto insurance to these policies. Simply login to your insurance account online, navigate to the tab or button that says "add a policy" or "bundle policies" and then fill in your information for your vehicle. You may have to pay for the first month to three months in advance, so be prepared to provide your payment information. Once you have paid, that is it; you do not have to talk to an agent or get in line to see someone. You do not even have to leave home or get dressed!

Utilize a Brand's App

When you are constantly on-the-go and need all of your tasks to move with you, you can download an insurance brand's app to buy car insurance. While most adults under the age of forty will find that this is the easiest way to buy an insurance policy quickly and easily. If you are over forty, you may need some help from the younger set to walk through the app to enter information about the cars for which you want insurance (although tech-savvy people in this group will do just fine). Most mobile apps are user-friendly, however, and you should be able to buy a policy on your lunch break or morning commute with few to no problems.

When All Else Fails, Buy Over the Phone

You can also buy an insurance policy over the phone utilizing an insurance brand's toll-free number. In most cases you only need to follow the prompts of the automated phone system and then pay for your policy over the phone. A few other companies still have people answering the phones. The phone reps can plug in your information directly into the company's computers while they are talking to you. The added benefit to purchasing a policy over the phone is that your policy number will auto-populate and be delivered to you over the phone as soon as you have paid. Confirmation is also sent by email if you agree to receive communication from your insurance company this way.
