When you set out to purchase a house, you will have a list of things to do. Buying a house is a highly involved process that requires multiple steps, and your lender can help you know what steps you must complete. One of the steps is to buy a home insurance plan. Do you know how to do this and why your lender needs it? Here are three things to know about homeowner's insurance if you are in the process of buying a home.
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If you are eligible for Medicare, you might be thinking about prescription drug coverage. While most Medicare Advantage plans have Part D coverage, not all of them do. Also, Medigap coverage may not include Part D at all. Therefore, you may need help figuring out whether you need a Part D plan. Keep reading to learn more about Part D Medicare coverage, what it covers, and who needs it.
What Is Medicare Part D Coverage?
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Being a homeowner comes with a lot of privileges. You can make whatever changes you like to the property without having to consult a landlord and can also leverage the equity in the house to get money for other projects. However, along with the great benefits, there is also a tremendous amount of risk to consider as well. A fire can break out at any time, a tree could topple over and hit the roof, or you could be the victim of a burglary where many of your belongings are stolen.
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Living in a rental home comes with its shares of risks. Your personal property may be damaged or stolen, or an accident may happen at the apartment complex. This is why you need to have renters' insurance. It will protect you if something happens to your property in a rental unit and give you peace of mind. Here are three benefits of having renters' insurance.
It Provides Liability Coverage
Renters' insurance provides property damage and liability coverage in case something happens to your apartment.
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Most people realize that they need auto insurance if they own a car and want to drive. However, many people do not realize all the purposes of auto insurance. An auto insurance plan provides three main purposes, and it is important for you to know these. Here is an explanation of the three purposes of auto insurance.
1. Your Own Protection
The first purpose of auto insurance is for your own protection, and this is one of the most common reasons people buy auto insurance plans.
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