Planning for the Future

How Your Driving Habits Can Save You Money On Car Insurance

While insurance companies base auto insurance quotes on many things, did you know that some of your driving habits can help you save money on your insurance premiums? An insurance company may ask you questions that relate to how much driving you do, and these questions are designed to help the insurance company know how much to charge you. Here are a few important things you should know about your car insurance and the amount of driving you do. Read More 

A Few Things To Know About Applying For Medicare

If you're approaching your 65th birthday, it's time to start thinking about applying for Medicare. It can be a confusing process, so don't wait until the last minute to get started. There are specific enrollment windows, and if you miss yours and apply late, you might have to pay a fine. Here is a general overview of how you go about applying for Medicare coverage. Your Seven Month Window You apply for coverage during the seven month window that surrounds your birthday. Read More 

Deciding When It Is Safe To Drop Collision From Your Auto Insurance Policy

If you have an automobile insurance policy, and you feel your rates are a bit higher than you would like to pay, dropping collision coverage is an option you may have considered. While this is likely to reduce the amount of your insurance bill, conducting this action prematurely can cause you a larger loss in money should you get in an accident down the road. Here are some tips you can use to help you decide when is the best time to drop this coverage, if at all. Read More 

Bad Driving Record? Two Tips to Help You Get Affordable Car Insurance

If you have a less than perfect driving record, you may think that you're doomed to always pay astronomical rates for car insurance. However, although your driving history does play a role in determining the cost of your vehicle insurance protection, there are other factors that are weighted as well. Making changes to some of the other components of the car-insurance equation may be the key to helping you lower your insurance rates. Read More 

Car-Insurance Tips for Families

Auto insurance is more than a legal necessity; it is also good protection in the event of an accident. This is especially true if you have a family that is often transported in your car. The following insurance tips will help you get the most from your policy and possibly even save you some money. Tip #1: Make sure all injuries are covered Chances are you often have your family members and possibly some of their friends in the car with you when you are out and about. Read More