Planning for the Future

Securing Your Rights To Workers’ Compensation Claims In Maryland

While there some cases of workers compensation fraud, in which a claimant fakes injury to secure disability payments, there are also cases of employers or insurers who attempt to cheat workers out of compensation for actual injuries. It's always a good idea to know your rights when you are injured on the job and to prepare for any dispute that may occur should a conflict arise concerning the validity of your claim. Read More 

Can Your Family Live Without You? 4 Ways You Can Protect Your Family When You Die

You probably don't want to think about it, but there will come a time when you're not here, a time when your family will have to fend for themselves. If you do nothing to prepare for that day, your family could struggle financially, emotionally, and legally, trying to put the pieces of their lives back together after your death. Following are four things you can do now to protect your family and make life easier for them when you die. Read More 

What To Do When An Injury Occurs At Your Small Business

You never want to see someone get injured while working for your small business, but workplace injuries do occur.  That is why workers' compensation insurance exists.  It not only protects your business, but can provide employees with compensation if they were to become injured while working for you.  When an injury occurs, be sure to follow these 4 things. Get All The Facts Right Away You'll want to make sure that you have all of the information regarding the injury, and it's best to do that immediately after it happened while the incident is fresh in everyone's mind. Read More 

Reduce The Chance Of Making An Insurance Claim On Your Summer Road Trip

When you're traveling for the summer, the last thing you want to experience is an automobile accident that puts a damper on your fun. While your auto insurance agent will still be able to handle the claim for you over the phone, it's best to do everything you can to avoid putting yourself in this situation. While accidents can certainly happen, some smart preparation ahead of time will reduce your chance of finding yourself in a collision -- and having to spend part of your vacation dealing with the insurance claim. Read More 

Should You Get That Auto Body Damage Fixed?

You love your vehicle, but life is busy, so when you get a ding or two in the parking lot, you may choose to ignore them. After all, your insurance policy has a deductible, and you may think repair is not worth the effort and expense. Even when you have a larger dent, you may choose to do nothing. In reality, you should probably have this damage repaired for several reasons. Read More